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Smart Dating: Avoid Falling for a Jerk or Jerkette
"Information provided in an easily digestible way . "Smart Dating: Avoid Falling for a Jerk or Jerkette
When asked what they learned from this course, participants said:
"Very informative! Great Instructor!"
"Ways to better myself to make and maintain healthy relationships."
"How honest and so much information it has, I could relate to a lot of it."
"This course could be applied to all relationships with people at work / dating / family, etc."
"Great materials. Lots of research."
"Information provided in an easily digestible way . "
"I love this class!"
To learn more about this course by Dr. John Van Epp go to:
Learn more about the courses we teach:
Positive Discipline
Positive Discipline is a parenting program designed to teach young people to become responsible, respectful, and resourceful members of their communities
Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
This educational workshop is designed to help couples improve their friendship and conflict management skills. The Seven Principles Program includes lectures and private couple exercises. Participants will not share their personal problems in front of oth
The Road to Happiness and Meaning
The Road to Happiness and Meaning provides both principles and practices that are related to personal joy and positive well-being while also recognizing that one’s life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile.
Couple LINKS
For couples in committed relationships who want to understand their partners, enhance communication skills, increase trust, and develop a deeper relationship.
Home Run Parents
Focus on family bonding using a baseball theme with parents as coaches and kids as players. For two-parent, single-parent, and co-parent families.
Parenting the Love and Logic Way®
For parents who want to learn skills to raise responsible children and enjoy being parents. Build the relationship with your child and reduce strain.
Smart Dating: How to Avoid Falling for a Jerk or Jerkette
For singles of all ages who want to learn to build a high-quality, long-lasting relationship. Follow your heart without losing your mind!
Smart Steps for Stepfamilies
This FREE 7-week course is for individuals or cohabitating/remarried couples who have a child or children from a previous relationship. Each course is facilitated live by USU educators - 2 hours/week for 7 consecutive weeks. Participation with your spouse