Escorts from 120 cheap london escorts

Cheap London Escorts

At Diamond Escorts you can be assured of not just sexy and hot women but you can also guarantee that you are getting the best value for money. When you book a London escort through Diamond Escorts you will be quoted the full price when making your booking. There will be no hidden charges and the price is inclusive of all travel costs, a massage and a full personal service.You will not find such cheap escorts of such a high standard anywhere else.

Cheap London Escorts

At Diamond Escorts you can be assured of not just sexy and hot women but you can also guarantee that you are getting the best value for money. When you book a London escort through Diamond Escorts you will be quoted the full price when making your booking. There will be no hidden charges and the price is inclusive of all travel costs, a massage and a full personal service.You will not find such cheap escorts of such a high standard anywhere else.

Some agencies quote you a price on the phone and when the lady arrives she will try to charge you extra for any kind of service. Even a massage! You could end up paying twice what you were initially quoted. Many guys end up thinking that because they have paid for her to come they may as well pay the rest. Often agencies will have big, burly drivers working for them and use them as a scare tactic to get people to pay. Diamond Escorts wouldn't dream of doing this. Obviously the drivers act as security for the one or two awkward customers that are not interested in paying at all but in all other cases they are friendly, polite and very helpful.

Just because these ladies are cheap escorts does not mean that they are not of the same high quality as any other escort. You will find that throughout the industry most escorts get paid the same and it's only the agency that really makes money from charging more. Diamond Escorts always receive less than both drivers and girls and are not a greedy agency. They would prefer to have you return again after a great experience than spend all of your money on one disappointing night. At the end of the evening Diamond Escorts will always read the feedback reports before they count their takings. They are constantly looking for ways to improve their service and are looking for new ways to stop clients using these cowboy agencies.

Diamond Escorts is the only agency where you will find genuine cheap escorts. Be very wary of any other agencies offering the same. They are not as well established and are probably just out to make a quick buck. They are not interested in the satisfaction of their clients and don't care if your experience was pleasurable or not. They just want to take your money. Call Diamond Escorts for a fantastic selection of cheap London escorts. Don't waste your hard earned cash anywhere else.